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The Missing Billion: Asset Recovery Challenges in India


In 2015, while the world’s attention was focused on wars and terrorism, a small Indian commodities’ trading company was quietly defrauding several banks out of more than a billion dollars. The story, which emerged in halting, incomplete headlines in the Indian business press, led to one of the most expansive private investigations in India in recent memory. And yet for those who lost funds, recovery has remained elusive.

The case looked simple. A well-known Indian business had opened a commodities trading arm which sought trade financing from a series of Indian and international banks. The banks would advance payment to sellers through an escrow account against proof of shipment, typically bills of lading. Buyers had six months to repay the banks. On its face this was reasonably standard. The company’s owners had been in the market for three generations and knew the business well; and the market knew them. What could go wrong?

Within six months the commodities arm had engaged in hundreds of trades - coal from Indonesia to Nigeria, rice from India to Ghana and countless more. It wasn’t long before the banks had advanced over $1 billion to the sellers from the escrow account. But six months passed, then seven, and the repayments never arrived, as alarm grew among the banks that something was amiss. Investigators were engaged.


East West Trading Ltd in Hong Kong was incorporated on the same day as North South Trading Pte Ltd in Singapore. Golden Sands Trading was registered at the same address as Ocean Blue Water Trading.

案件在包括前金融高管的不满员工(包括前财务高管)前进并承认整个行动被贸易公司的业主策划了全部运作,以应对母公司的亏损。大多数转向的资金 - 近60% - 已被投资于英国印度商人拥有的奄奄一息的房地产项目。他通过金属贸易业务与公司的业主联系在一起,在英国在20世纪90年代巧合,巧合,符合三个合作伙伴的首字母。其余的资金被转移到英国,阿联酋,印度和新加坡的公司。


Three years later, recovery efforts continue. But the case offers a cautionary tale and a warning to others.



Finally, India is desperate for a dedicated asset retrieval framework. Disputes take years to resolve in local courts and there is no workable witness protection or whistle-blower scheme. Confidentiality itself can not be guaranteed.


Aakash Brahmachari


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