Events, news, and information for the people who influence the business strategies of the life science industry.



由于COVID-19的出现,我们的世界都发生了变化,就使用v的在线交互而言,我们可以感觉到我们已经跃进了未来五年ideo-conference platforms to get things done. Companiesneed to adapt to survive and thrive in the new way of interacting with others,soglobal connections are more important than ever.This blog post is hereto help you make the most of your partnering experience ateventslikeChinaBio®Partnering Forum Digital八月,美国生物制药公司™ Digital九月,和BIO-Europe®数字化十月. 我们会给你一些提示,但是一些要避免的失误, and help you be virtuous in your virtual experience.

“Sorry, I was on mute”:你今年听过多少次了?这几乎和“我的wifi不稳定”或“我的相机有问题”一样常见。如果我们每次说出这些难堪的话,都会向自己选择的慈善机构捐款,那么这个世界会变得更好。确保一切正常,并且您真正了解如何使用会议平台上的各种功能,包括如何共享文档和发表评论,如何打开和关闭相机和麦克风,以及耳机是否正常工作。你有无线耳机吗?现在是投资的好时机,因为他们给你更多的行动自由。练习一些内部通话。

Oh, hello先生Tiddles!”:谁还没有经历过一只猫走进镜头,当它在你的键盘上发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音时,会发出可爱的叫声来吸引你的注意呢?虽然第一次很有趣,但把这只可爱的小动物赶走并重新集中注意力确实需要宝贵的时间。为了您的最大利益,您可以确保您的合作电话不受干扰。你可以在会议间隙给蒂德尔先生喂食,给自己一个小小的休息。金博宝188备用地址

“We didn’t have time to…”:金博宝188备用地址合作,尤其是第一次接触,是一个时刻,当你真的想看看你最好的。如果你还没能看视频,或是看公司的宣传册,或是在电话前仔细阅读说明书,这可能表明你对这件事并不感兴趣。所以,在打电话之前做一点家庭作业,因为谁想显得懒惰和不专业呢?这不会帮助你达成协议,也不会推动你的生命科学合作。

They call me简,butthat’s not my name“:承认吧,你有没有在合作会议进行到一半的时候忘了某人的名字,而你手头却没有他们的名片作为提示?数字合作的一大优势是你可以随时看到这个人的名字,就在他金博宝188备用地址们的图像下面。因此,在谈话中随意地使用它应该很容易,并创造出更多的情感纽带。也许某人的名字很难发音,但如果你打算和他们一起工作多年,现在不是时候开始做正确的事了吗?另外,如果有人不太会念你的名字,那就友好一点:这是“shuff-lay-both-ham”而不是“shufflebotom”。从小事做起,大的关系才会发展。

“Tick Tock Tick Tock”:没有什么比对方不来接电话更让人沮丧的了。如果你做不到,提前说,即使是五分钟前。如果蒂德尔先生饿了,可能要等三十分钟。如果有不止一个人在打电话,让第一个人为其他人的迟到道歉,并在他们到达之前做些什么。如果关键决策者不能打电话,最好取消而不是继续。这都是为了不浪费时间来表示尊重。但在你打开相机之前,尤其是在匆忙接电话时,要特别注意下一个提示。

“Location,l位置…”:当我们在舒适的家里打电话的时候,一定要仔细检查一下你的背景。你要洗的衣服,或者猫砂盘,真的需要拍吗?现在,你可以很容易地加入一个定制的背景,一个简单的背景展示一下你的公司标志,或者你的实验室,甚至是一个预先锁定的团队照片?也要把前景画对:我们想看到你的脸,而不是你的咖啡杯,或者只是你的左耳。如果从外面打电话,要意识到其他人可能(又一次)被封锁了,可能不会欣赏巴伐利亚啤酒园如火如荼的背景,你会啜饮着慕尼黑最好的啤酒之一Hacker Pschor的闪亮啤酒。

“…l“位置”:Location really is so important, so we’ll talk about it twice. To give the other party a feel of where you work, can you send in advance some photos of the office/lab? Maybe there’s a walk through that you could film, highlighting key parts of the organization, even with some great drone shots? These are not complex or expensive to do. If the other party can more easily imagine themselves working with you, there, that makes it easier for them to want to be working with you.

西装只是所以现在不热:Given we have all gone over to much more casual wear it really isn’t necessary to dress completely formally for partnering calls, especially as only your head and shoulders will be in shot. Who even knows how to wear socks anymore? For men, this is the best opportunity you’ll ever have to ditch that terrible tie! For everyone, you can still be smart, and maybe show a little cultural color from wherever you’re calling from, as this can make you feel more comfortable, but also helps people remember you.

“你能再说一遍吗?”:在视频会议上,音频并不总是完美的,也许和你说话的人不使用他们的母语,或者你的母语。所以,要慢一点,说清楚一点,特别是在技术词汇和缩写词上,你说的是核磁共振还是核磁共振,体外invivo? Think about the important messages you want to get across, and ensure you cover those early in the call, so the other side has a chance to ask about anything they don’t understand. As you’re on camera, but not in person, it’s easy to have a few notes just out of shot, or on script cards, just like a TV presenter does.

“我真正地“需要咖啡”:The biggest difference between a physical event and a virtual one is we may not all be in the same time zone. On partneringONE® all partnering meetings will be scheduled over 24-hour timeframes to accommodate time zones across the world. What may be early for you may be late for the people you’re calling. If you need a coffee to get started, and be less of a grumpy bear, have it well before your first call, as the other party may not understand why you are sluggish and they are in top form, especially as we don’t necessarily know what time zone the other person is in. Also, do take breaks: you’d do that in the real world, and Mr. Tiddles probably needs letting out by now. We’re human, not machines, unless you have found a way to have a digital avatar or chat-bot do your partnering calls while you snooze in a beer garden. If so, please urgently let us all in on the secret of how to do that.

有关成功数字通信的更多提示,请查看此Informa Connectblog:Why eating seven M&Ms daily is essential for digital communications success at BIO-Europe Spring®.

EBD集团提供了一个虚拟护照,可以参加剩下的三个2020年全数字合作会议。来自生命科学各个领域的与会者都可以访问金博宝188备用地址ChinaBio®数金博宝188备用地址字合作论坛,美国生物制药公司™ DigitalBIO-Europe® Digitalwith a Virtual Passport at a substantially reduced fee.



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