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Geir Isene是一个创新者,战略家,业务开发商,教练和作者。他已经转向私人和公共部门的公司和团队,并为知名公司造成了策略。



在Shipping2030亚洲(部分航运转型亚洲),Geir Isene(创新负责人)是小组的一部分,讨论如何送货公司可以在可互操作的数字未来获得增长。在他的小组之后,我们赶上了伊琳先生问他几个问题。

Geir tells us why shipping needs to "get" digital talent and how people (end users) will win shipping's war for data.

Watch the video now or read the transcript below.

iain gomersall.:As Head of Innovation of a technology company providing innovative solutions for the maritime industry, what do you see as your greatest challenge in the next 3-5 years?

Geir Isene:最大的事情是改变人们的思想。它不是关于技术,创新曲线或指数增长。这总是关于人。

Things are changing faster, and people have to be changed quicker in their attitude and their ways of looking at things.

I think this has been, and will be, the main challenge in the next 3-5 years.



If I had to choose, I suppose that purpose and data are closer to people.

Q:The need for innovation has driven demand for digital solutions. How important is it for the shipping industry to attract, and retain, digital talent?



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GI:End customers are going to win the data war – without a doubt. They are the ones generating the data and they will wake up to the fact that it is being exploited - look at Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.

Through missteps like that people are getting more aware that their data is valuable, and they are going to take the steps to take back ownership of their data.

Q:Why is an event of this nature important to the industry?

GI:它很重要,因为你要专注于即将到来的事情,因为这是一个非常有反应性的行业。它只反应,当它被击中时。我认为它将在未来遭受很大的击中,不仅对网络安全而言,也是通过替代运输货物的方式商业 - 3D-Printing甚至可以发挥作用。

我认为这种行业的概念是反应的,需要改变和关注未来 - 这一事件是关于 - 提高意识很重要。


GI:I always look for empathetic people. I am fortunate that I can choose what I work with, and I choose to work with empathetic people. I am generally a very introverted and I don’t like to mingle, and I am not one to talk about the weather.


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