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Technology continues to advance quickly, solving more problems and becoming more readily available to consumers. Take advantage of new innovations by applying them to your own problems. Here are some ways to use technology to save money for your healthcare facility.


The sun outputs an enormous amount of energy every minute of every day. Harnessing just a fraction of this energy would reduce the cost of electric bills. Try installing solar panels on the roof of your hospital. The energy generated from the solar panels can even be存储在太阳能电池板中以备后用。使用电池的,多余的energy generated on a particular sunny day can be harnessed and used later instead of wasted. Also, the stored solar energy can be used on a rainy or cloudy day when the sun is not available for producing electricity. The energy storage capacity is especially useful for healthcare facilities in which electricity is required to keep patients alive even during power outages.


Avoid the material costs of printing by going paperless. Using digital forms instead of physical paper forms can save a significant amount of money. In addition to avoiding the cost of paper, the cost of ink is also avoided. You'll also save quite a bit of space. No paper forms means no filing cabinets required. Try emailing clients instead of sending paper documents to transfer information. The encryption for digital files has advanced to ensure security of even sensitive information. Going digital can save you money, and you'll save a few trees at the same time.


Between sinks and toilets, bathrooms use a significant amount of water each day. Make sure that both the sinks and the toilets are makingefficient use of water. Toilets have become quite efficient, using significantly less water per flush than older toilets. Updating old toilets throughout your facility will reduce your water bill by a large margin. Any leaky faucets are constantly using water with no benefit. Replacing dripping sinks and faucets can conserve water, allowing you to make better use of the water and save money.

Consider checking the amount of water used to irrigate the landscaping around your facility. By reducing the footprint of your landscaping, you can substantially decrease the amount of water required, in turn cutting back the amount of money spent on your water bill.

Upgrade the Lighting

LED灯已经前进,变得更便宜。它们比使用白炽灯泡的较旧灯更节能。它们也比白炽灯更长的寿命。使用玻璃灯泡,白炽灯是脆弱的 - 与LED灯泡不同 - 它们也在操作期间产生大量的热量,甚至在某些情况下造成火灾危险。除了成为更安全的选择外,LED灯还会为您节省资金。



根据您的设施年龄,窗户可能对外部温度无效障碍。特别是在冬天,寒冷可以通过窗户轻松进入建筑物。同样,热量可以通过夏天通过窗户渗透。在这两种情况下,旧窗户的故障屏障破坏了加热和空调,浪费能量和金钱。通过更换具有节能双窗格设计的窗户,建筑物内的空气 - 尽管外面的温度,舒适是否舒适。


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