
How To Keep Hospital Patients Safe During COVID-19

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COVID-19影响了几乎所有人的生活in the world. Schools have transitioned to online or blended lectures, businesses have altered their marketing and selling methods and community events have been postponed. Hospitals have been significantly affected during this time. Many people have suffered from the virus and need the medical care you offer. However, patients now have the risk of spreading or contracting the virus, and an increase in hospital check-ins has put a strain on workers and hospital capacity. Hospitals have to find new solutions to keep everyone safe.

Now that the world is slowly adjusting to living in a pandemic, hospitals have more control over the safety and security of their patients. Here are three things hospitals can do today to improve the patient experience and keep everyone safe.


虽然现在的身体安全非常重要,但确保患者的信息也很重要。数据保护应位于优先级列表的顶部。数据泄露可以成为巨大的经济损失,导致很多不良后果,这是你绝对不想在大流行期间处理的事情。幸运的是,你可以做很多事情来防止这种违规行为。务必告知HIPAA法规的员工,并教育那些运行该系统的人。考虑运行您的系统的一些风险评估或投资life science consulting帮助您的电气系统顺利运行。特别是随着患者的涌入,您需要一个快速有效地工作的系统。


Hospitals should besanitized frequently。每次约会后都应该擦拭房间,医生应在帮助患者的同时保护自己保护自己。应要求面具,特别是对于您的员工和助手。在众多地点提供手动消毒剂,以便在从一个地方移动到另一个地方时,患者感到舒适地消毒。要拥有最少的Covid-19曝光,您可能希望以某种方式指导患者和访客。这可以通过将迹象放在地板上或沿着某些区域划掉的迹象来完成。等候室应仔细组织,以使患者彼此进行社会偏移。


预防is an important stepin keeping your patients and employees safe. With the help of technology, prevention can be done effectively. Consider having eCheck-ins, where patients can fill out the needed information before their appointment. You can also set-up virtual appointments or consultations to help patients determine whether they need to come in or not. Those who are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms may feel hesitant to come in. Set up virtually screenings where your staff can ask about symptoms and help patients know if they need to be tested.

Sometimes the best way to prevent the spread of the virus and similar diseases is by asking questions. Plant a staff member at the front of the hospital where they can ask questions about symptoms and needs. Then, they can direct patients to where they need to go. They can also immediately offer hand sanitizer and masks.




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