
竞争法in times of Crisis: Can you have a free pass?



Although the competition authorities cannot operate with their usual staffing levels or effectiveness at the moment, they have expressed that they will closely monitor markets and take action at the latest when the crisis is over. While enforcers have accepted that short-term and necessary forms of co-operation to combat the effects of the current crisis may be justified, they are determined to use their tools to crack down on any company that infringes competition law in the shadow of the current crises.

Below we have summarized some key issues and offer practical recommendations:

1.More leeway towards suppliers and customers?

The current situation is already leading to changes in the competitive landscape, with shifting supply chains and more local sourcing patterns. This may force companies to adapt their competitive behaviour and compliance strategies not only in the short term, but also in the medium and long term:

•危机相关的市场干预措施导致竞争环境的变化。因此,个人市场参与者可能暂时获得重大的市场力量,使他们在国家或欧盟竞争法下实现更严格的统治性规则。如果公司利用这种权力,竞争当局可能会征收罚款或需要临时措施。In some cases this has already been done (i.e. France’s competition authorities are investigating excessive prices for sanitizers notably and the Government has adopted temporary price regulation on retail and wholesale prices for certain products (sanitizers, masks etc.); in Italy, the competition authority has started proceedings against Amazon and Ebay for excessive pricing of hand sanitizer, protective masks and sanitation products on the basis of the consumer code rules);


• Some concentration effects favoured by the crisis will change market conditions in the long term. Digital champions expand their market position while high street shops close. Amazon, for example, is expecting a considerable increase in online orders.

We expect competition authorities to monitor markets closely. Their ability to effectively police markets may be impeded temporarily, but this will not stop them from enforcing the competition rules at a later stage against those that took unfair advantage of the crisis. Moreover, some competition authorities appear to be even more active than usual. For example, on Sunday the Italian authority has issued interim measures against two undertakings for COVID-19 related practices.

在一份联合声明中,竞争当局belonging to the European Competition Network (ECN) already emphasized that they will monitor and sanction companies taking advantage of the current situation by cartelising or abusing their dominant position, in particular through restricting or increasing the cost of essential medical supplies as “it is of utmost importance to ensure that products considered essential to protect the health of consumers in the current situation (e.g. face masks and sanitising gel) remain available at competitive prices”.


• monitor and keep under review your company‘s market position and significance;

• review any proposed price increases with care – can the increase be justified?; • not disadvantage or favour certain customers and buyers arbitrarily;




Particularly in times of crisis, there can be an increased need for cooperation between companies in order to cope with the extraordinary challenges in order to generate consumer benefits:

• The fundamental principles of antitrust law continue to apply and continued compliance should be assured within companies and trade associations alike;


• Cooperation between competitors is therefore still subject to strict requirements and is not permitted in each and every case.

However, the crisis provides some opportunities for cooperation among competitors, which may exceptionally be justified in light of the current crisis and the special circumstances, i.e. where the cooperation creates efficiencies to the benefit of consumers that could not be attained otherwise and which outweigh any adverse effect of the competitive restraint. In particular, this might justify joint innovation or tackling logistical issues to ensure the health of the population and continued supply with essential goods.

Competition authorities across Europe have jointly emphasized that they “will not actively intervene against necessary and temporary measures put in place in order to avoid a shortage of supply” due to the coronavirus. The authorities acknowledged that the current, extraordinary situation „may trigger the need for companies to cooperate in order to ensure the supply and fair distribution of scarce products“. Therefore, a cooperation may benefit from an exemption if:

• it follows the legitimate interests of ensuring supply (in particular of food and medicine);




The joint statement highlights that the national competition authorities, the European Commission or the EFTA Surveillance Authority will provide further guidance in individual cases. At least for any cooperation outside and beyond the supply of food and medicine it will be highly advisable to contact the authorities prior to implementation.



• cooperation will remain subject to competition law and an analysis of each individual case is required to determine whether the cooperation can exceptionally be entered into for a limited period of time due to the special circumstances. The scope of the cooperation must be limited to the necessary extent and sufficient compliance measures must be ensured in its design. The Bundeskartellamt has expressly invited companies to discuss the admissibility of certain measures; it is already longstanding practice of the Bundeskartellamt to accept informal consultation requests from companies – a practice that will be formalized with the 10th amendment to the Act against Restraints of Competition (GWB) when companies will be able to formally ask for official approval for cooperation.

3.What are the implications for merger control?

The crisis will inevitably lead to changes in the competitive landscape. In particular, distressed M&A and rescue mergers are likely to become more important. For failing companies, rapid review and clearance is of the essence. Given the impact of the crisis on competition authorities and their staffing levels, the parties to a merger may choose to involve them prior to the signing date.



Merger parties should therefore generally anticipate delays in merger clearance and agree appropriate contractual provisions. This holds even more true as the crisis will also have an impact on the substantive assessment of transactions - forecasting market developments and the effects of a transaction on market conditions could become more complex in certain industries as the cards may are reshuffled during the crisis.



Companies should also be aware that some competition authorities also have wide powers in relation to unfair commercial practices, misleading advertising and unfair trading practices; and may be willing to make use of such powers to actively intervene against COVID-19 related practices (e.g. in Italy the competition authority has already done so in several cases).

Prior to the crisis, competition policy and draft amendments largely focused on the digital economy, notably online platforms with market power. The crisis will probably further strengthen some of these platforms. The call for intervention by competition authorities is therefore likely to become even louder in the near term.

Thomas Funke-Partner-Osborneclarke 塞巴斯蒂安黑客,奥斯本克拉克
托马斯G. Funke博士,Ll.m.,合作伙伴,奥斯本克拉克 Sebastian Hack博士,LL.M.,合作伙伴,奥斯本克拉克
Thomas Funke领导德国的竞争实践。他建议反垄断诉讼,竞争合规,分配和合并控制。他的经验包括欧洲司法法院和德国最高法院前的卡特尔赔偿诉讼。

代表领先的零售团体和国际索赔资助者,托马斯帮助了Akzo V委员会(T-345/12),CDC V委员会(T-437/08)以及ECJ氢过氧化氢(C-352/13)和BGH咖啡烘焙诉讼。

Thomas has been recognised as a leading expert for the EU competition framework for the motor vehicle sector. He has led international projects involving the sector-specific Block Exemption, aftermarket competition, telematics and the connected car. Thomas is regularly recommended by Global Competition Review, Legal 500 and JUVE.



He has been short listed as one of Germany’s top competition lawyers by the prestigious “WirtschaftsWoche”. Sebastian regularly publishes articles on competition/antitrust law issues including commenting on the Coty and the ASICS case and he is author of the competition law section of the forthcoming Fashion Law Handbook (published by Beck). Sebastian has particular sector specific expertise in the retail and digital sector.

后,他在科隆的研究(博士文书期刊),匹兹堡h, New York and London (LL.M.) and his legal training (including stages at the German Federal Cartel Office and the European Commission), he began his career in the competition group of an international law firm in the Düsseldorf office (with further stages in London and Brussels) in 2013. He joined Osborne Clarke in 2016.




EU Competition Law Summer School

16 - 20日8月2021Cambridge, UK
EU Competition Law Summer School
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