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2- 6 August 2021



On-demand Content Now Available


The perfect way to come to grips with EU Competition Law in just 5 days!

覆盖all areas of competition law那this digital event is tailored to the needs of competition law professionals, providing a坚定了解欧盟竞争法帮助您塑造您的实际策略。

每天都在竞争法中建立在竞争法中的关键主题一世季节讲座,实际讨论,深入Q&ASand真实生活案例研究- 确保代表擅长熟练fundamentals,以及目前正在开发tricky issues.

加入this digital event to be instructed by aD.艾弗尔竞争法思维的范围并加入一世nteractive virtual networking帮助您建立一个池无价的联系人对于未来的商机。



在第1天期间,我们的专家发言者将为您提供坚定的基础,了解欧盟竞争法专注于第101条 - 包括硬核心卡特尔的原则和实际示例,以及横向协议。最后,您将有机会在实践中倾听他们如何接近第101条的内部发言者。

Day 2: Article 102
Day 2: Article 102

Day 2 will focus on Article 102 and explore the difference between abuse and legitimate competition, introduce theories of harm and discuss practical issues in pricing, as well as how the European Commission is approaching its enforcement priorities. You will be invited to join an in-depth case study to help you analyse the practical issues.

Day 3: IP & Competition Law
Day 3: IP & Competition Law

加入our speakers from Bristows to examine the interface between IP and competition law including the Vertical Agreements Block Exemption, Technology Transfer Block Exemption, the role of IP in Article 102 and currently developing issues surrounding digital markets, AI and data. The day includes two interactive practical sessions analysing practical application of the principles discussed throughout the day.


深入研究欧盟合并控制的法律和实践,包括补救措施和上诉。我们的专家演讲者将根据其经验为您提供合并程序的实用指南 - 包括如何构建交易的提示,通知提交,临时措施以及如何处理多司法管辖权合并。

Day 5: Enforcement, Litigation & Compliance
Day 5: Enforcement, Litigation & Compliance

You will be introduced to the increasingly important area of private enforcement including best strategies for litigation. The day focuses on practical concerns for competition lawyers including how best to navigate the competition processes and current competition law risks and compliance challenges for corporates.

从中得利Informal Virtual Networking
从中得利Informal Virtual Networking



In an era of physical separation, ensure you do not get left behind by developments in EU competition law and forge new connections with your peers across the world through our sophisticated and fully interactive conference app.


所有内容在一个种类of参与格式and the same各种各样的扬声器您希望从面部面对欧盟竞争法暑期学校 - 信息展示,不同的小组会议,实际案例研究,互动Q&&As&As&As&Afforging民意调查。

Plus!Key sessions will be available一经请求for two weeks after the event allowing you to re-fresh your memory and giving you additional flexibility.

利用我们的一世nnovative conference appto connect之前,期间and fortwo weeks活动结束后1:1 meetingsor一世nformal group chats,最大化远远超出传统会议可金博宝188app网址以提供的网络的网络机会。从中得利AI powered matchmaking algorithm推荐最适合您的最佳人士与您的专业经验和兴趣联系。加入虚拟夜间网络活动金博宝188app网址要帮助您锻造持续的连接。

从中得利a seamless experience with everything you need on one platform!所有材料在一个地方一世ncluding the全议程发言者的细节,presentationsandcase studies在应用程序上。获得26 CPDhours and acertificate在完成的时候。此外,您将收到comprehensive event documentation备查。


  • As we are saving on venue costs, we are passing these savings to our delegates, benefit fromlower costs for one year only
  • Save宝贵的时间andbecause there is no need to travel and book accommodation.
  • 从中得利额外的灵活性,您可以从您选择的位置参加数字暑期学校 - 您的家,您的办公室,无论何处都是舒适的!会议将可用一经请求所以你可以观看或重新观看会话your own time.

欧盟竞争法暑期学校一世n numbers

Top legal minds sharing their insights including regulators, in-house counsel, economists and private practice lawyers
Unique event to help you build a firm foundation in EU competition law

Knowledge Partner:

Media Partners:


Commentary, opinions and guidance from industry experts - all gathered for you in one place
