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我们都听说生意兴隆going green,但2020年可能是蓝色经济“与世界上主要航运银行的组织合作波塞冬原则协会联合国(与其可持续发展目标)以及世界银行关注并采取行动。什么是蓝色经济?我会让英联邦组织的专家们,一个由54个独立和平等的国家自愿组成的协会回答这个: “The ‘Blue Economy’ is an emerging concept which encourages better stewardship of our ocean or ‘blue’ resources” and highlights “close linkages between the ocean, climate change” and the wellbeing of people, particularly in small island states that have the most to lose from degradation of the marine environment. Industries which are part of the blue economy can include: fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, maritime transport, ports & related services, renewable energy, infrastructure, marine biotechnology & bioprospecting, maritime defence, coastal and marine tourism, coastal protection, carbon sequestration, ocean monitoring & surveillance, weather regulation, desalination, waste management and disposal. Interestingly, according to a最近的研究many consider “offshore oil & gas, as well as mineral resources / deep sea & seabed mining/dredging” part of the blue economy even though they are seen as environmentally damaging activities and would not fit in with either the aforementioned Commonwealth Organization’s definition or this one from the世界银行

瑞士信贷报告”Investors and the Blue Economy“提醒我们,考虑未来,而不仅仅是目前的盈亏,是必要的,因为“海洋的经济价值约有三分之二取决于其健康状况,因此,维持和恢复海洋健康是任何经济活动取得长期成功的必要先决条件。”给了我们更多证明关于前瞻性思考的紧迫性:“每年,过度捕捞和不可持续的做法造成约830亿美元的经济损失,沿海缺氧造成2000亿至8000亿美元的损失,入侵水生物种造成的损害价值1000亿美元,海洋塑料造成的损害价值130亿美元。在‘一切照旧’的气候变化应对方案中,到2100年,随着海洋酸度增加250%,海洋酸化每年将耗资1.2万亿美元。”

蓝色经济肯定是关于保护-from focusing on land and water pollution and its effect on everything from coral reefs to the food chain and climate change – but it’s also about market opportunities in meeting the needs of a growing world population. James Richens of The World Ocean Initiative指出风能、波浪能和潮汐能等“海洋产业”可以为“减少碳排放、帮助当地社区适应气候变化的影响以及在可持续的‘蓝色经济’中提供就业机会”做出重要贡献。这个经合组织put out a report in 2010 estimating that by 2030 the blue economy “would reach USD 3 trillion and employ 40 million people”. But while a majority of investors believe sustainable investing will be the “新普通“在未来十年,蓝色经济还有一段路要走2018年瑞士信贷报告调查发现,“四分之三的投资者受访者没有评估他们的投资组合对海洋的影响。”这份报告是一份市场第一的评估报告,这里的关键是要记住,这些都是新兴的想法,无论它们多么紧迫。与一般可持续性投资一样,未来几年,人们的兴趣和参与度可能会急剧增长;事实上找到报告他说:“可持续的蓝色经济在未来十年的重要性将不断增加,超过三分之一的投资者受访者将其视为2030年最重要的话题之一。”

尽管对蓝色经济的投资似乎是一件不需要动脑筋的事,但除了缺乏研究、知识、意识以及报告中指出的指导方针/分类法之外,还有许多障碍信用瑞士报告. 这些壁垒主要涉及蓝色经济产业的孤岛性质。澳大利亚新南威尔士州卧龙岗大学研究员米歇尔·沃耶在去年的《福布斯》文章中向娜塔莉·帕莱塔解释了这一情况使蓝色经济可持续发展”: “In ocean-based management, we tend to think about things in silos. The people who look at shipping look at shipping, people who look at fisheries look at fisheries and same for all the other sectors. The blue economy is big picture, and it is thinking about, across all these different sectors, how do we think about their management in a more integrated way?” I got the chance to speak with沃耶,以及其他几位蓝色经济专家,包括保罗霍尔特斯世界海洋理事会创始主席兼首席执行官;合伙人Arun Krishnakumar;Green Shores Capital;James Ellsmoor,创始人兼首席执行官,岛屿创新;查尔斯·海恩,英国WSP海事技术总监;Natasa Pilides,塞浦路斯航运部副部长;首席执行官Tim Lowe CBE,英国水文局;Alisdair Pettigrew,董事,蓝色洞察;Orestis Schinas教授,合伙人,HHX.蓝色;Diane Gilpin,首席执行官,智能绿色航运联盟;Bjørn K. Haugland,首席执行官,斯基夫特;比吉特·莱登,创始人&CEO,海洋机会实验室(工具);和Anne Marie Warris博士,Director, ecoreflect and ask them just that.

Michelle Voyer那Research Fellow at University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia,@米歇尔沃耶




“各种各样的行业组合使用海洋及其资源(运输,渔业,水产养殖,海上石油和天然气,可再生能源,巡航旅游,采矿等)以及造船等广泛的配套行业,海洋技术,以及金融,保险和法律的支持“基础设施”。所有这些经济活动都是一个单一,共同,动态,三维全球生态系统 - 海洋。“


“那个World Ocean Councilwas created in 2009 to provide the multi-sectoral, global, ongoing platform for bringing together the international ocean business community to work on shared challenges and opportunities of the Sustainable Blue Economy. Through the WOC, the diverse ocean business and investment community are able to tackle ocean governance, pollution, biodiversity impacts, science needs, climate change issues, and other needs for ensuring both a healthy ocean and a healthy ocean economy.”


Arun Krishnakumar,合伙人,Green Shores Capital@KarunK



James Ellsmoor,创始人兼首席执行官岛屿创新@Jellsmoor


“I find there is a lot of confusion around the term ‘blue economy’ because it can be seen as too broad and make the problem too big to solve. Yes collaboration is important but on what level can the fisheries and shipping industries actually engage in meaningful collaboration anyway? Even if they are creating the same problems, the reasons behind that are varied! I am all for greater integration and collaboration, but for that we need a clearer definition of ‘Blue Economy’ - something which so far is unfortunately lacking.”


“跨部门工作,我们经常遇到ilo-thinking. The complex trading, movement and handling of cargo is physically connected in supply chains, but so disconnected in terms of responsibility for impact, or incentivisation for improvements in sustainability. Cargo terminals and vessels in port are the most visible players in the supply chain and attract attention for the problems of air pollution, carbon emissions, noise and wastes. The retailers who place their products into containers and hulls and logistics companies delivering freight to distribution centres are less conspicuous. One way for us collectively to get a grip on the hard future reduction targets for GHG emissions is for those companies to team-up proactively and solve those economic and societal challenges.”

“我们看到零售商在倡议上进行合作,最近,DP World London Gateway谈到了零售商及其物流供应商集中资源,例如进入仓库。他们提到了一种“Airbnb”的空间使用风格。港口城市动态的基础,由来自勒阿弗尔的AIVP很好地代表,以协作为基础。在通往滨水区和运输路线的基础设施项目上,港务局和市长或地方政府团队通常会与比过去更广泛的利益相关者群体接触。这可以添加本地信息、路标关注点,并在项目开发生命周期的早期获得项目的认可。作为海洋遗产的雇主和焦点,港口成为当地环境和社区不可或缺的一部分。这种相互联系和相互结合的思想将需要成为更清洁、更绿色和现代化的沿海城镇和滨水地区的关键部分。”


Natasa Pilides,塞浦路斯航运部副部长@马里泰姆塞浦路斯/@纳塔萨皮利杜

“The Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry has formulated an integrated maritime policy, aiming at the protection of the marine environment and the sustainable development of all relevant maritime operations. As well as the drafting of a maritime special plan by March 2021, this includes the promotion of maritime education, and innovation in marine and maritime technologies."



首席执行官Tim Lowe CBE,英国水文局@乌霍



"This power of collaboration is being recognised by many governments and non-government organisations who are encouraging a joined-up approach to ocean use and protection. For example, the UK Government’s Maritime 2050 strategy has collaboration between government, industry and academia at its heart. And on the global stage working together to protect our ocean resources will be key to meeting the UN Sustainable Development Goals. For all these plans, whether they aim to provide coastal communities with protein, income or support to decarbonisation, accurate and interoperable marine geospatial information will be key to helping marine users work together and make better, more informed, decisions on the sustainable management of this precious, shared resource.”

Alisdair Pettigrew,董事,蓝色洞察@BLUECOMMS/@小矮星



"Without reversing the trend for globalisation, as a shipping industry we are largely reliant upon technology to help protect the balance of the oceans and enable them to flourish in supporting jobs and livelihoods, as well as providing energy, raw materials and food in a controlled and balanced way. New technological developments such as the availability of renewable and alternative energy sources, digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotics and increasing automation will help shipping contribute to this balance; but it cannot wait.”

Orestis Schinas教授,合伙人,HHX.蓝色,@裂林病

“Sustainability in the Blue Economy depends strongly on the availability of data and the degree of digitization of the industry. Any greening effort and technology require data; data are necessary for optimal use of technology as well as for efficient routing. Data can support technical and financial decisions; in the era of sharing economy, data may support operational autonomy and remote control, as well as new business models including the further evolution of existing ones, such as leasing of equipment. As the time for carbon pricing is approaching, the competitiveness of ships and ocean-facilities will be determined by their total energy efficiency. Therefore, it does not suffice to install the most energy efficient onboard, but it becomes necessary to update and advance the level of technology; in this regard technology suppliers and owners should continuously work together transforming the ship to a dynamic platform of technology. Ergo, the availability of data and the digital infrastructure will enable the continuous improvement in energy efficiency and result in more complicated yet synergetic financial schemes and relations.”

迪吉尔平,Smart Green Shipping创始人兼首席执行官,@Digilpin.

"Reductionist, siloed, approaches to problems doesn’t work for 21st Century challenges. Climate chaos and biodiversity loss are symptoms of a struggling system. It is hard to wrap your head around interconnectedness. The Earth’s planetary system is profoundly influenced by the health of our Oceans, but we – as, mostly, land-based people – tend to ‘not see’ what goes on at sea."

"Shipping is a highly complex system with multiple types and sizes of ships, operating under many national jurisdictions with different rules, environmental and safety standards. Complex commercial structures manage immensely technically, mechanically intricate ships designed to withstand and optimise performance in multiple operational and meteorological conditions. The key objective is to bring stuff to us land-based folk as cheaply as possible."

“这种最低的成本驱动器使船舶容易受到导致溢油的事故,迫使运营商风险的原始环境,以确保较短的路线,冒着海洋的健康。但是,我们必须在整个系统周围包装我们的头 -在演戏之前系统内系统内容?“


Bjørn K. Haugland那CEO, Skift,@比约恩卡乌格兰


"Some main threats from land-based activities causing stress to our oceans: Global warming is causing sea levels to rise, threatening coastal population centers; Pesticides and nutrients used in agriculture end up in the coastal waters, resulting in oxygen depletion that kills marine plants and shellfish; Factories and industrial plants discharge sewage and other runoff into the oceans; and lastly Air pollution is responsible for almost one-third of the toxic contaminants and nutrients that enter coastal areas and oceans."



"Last September, I launched The Ocean Opportunity Lab, which is the world’s first floating lab for entrepreneurs. Now with 100+ collaborating partners across 14 countries, we bring together a diverse group of actors who might otherwise never connect. It focuses on all areas of the ocean industries, based on the SDGs as drivers for identifying new ways for the maritime & ocean communities to serve the world. It’s cross-silo oriented because we realize how the key opportunities and new solutions will be found not within but between the current ones, utilizing our competence, technology and resources in brand new ways."


Dr. Anne-Marie Warris,主任,生态反射@annemariewarris.


“一个例子是如何CC.ell Renewables该公司正在利用波浪能支持碳酸钙(珊瑚礁的组成部分)更快地沉积在人工珊瑚礁上,然后在人工珊瑚礁上种植珊瑚,共同应对气候挑战世界中海岸侵蚀、珊瑚礁损失和渔业资源的挑战。每一个挑战都是一个重要的问题,但与当地珊瑚孵化场(INAPESCA)和非政府组织(Amigos de Sian Ka'an)的合作提供了一个更全面的解决方案。通过协调努力,这个小规模的解决方案可以成为蓝色经济大局的一部分。”

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