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IM | Power 2020 Selector奖励冠军:Pinebridge Investments


IM|Power recently teamed up withSharingAlphato present the 2020 Wisdom of the Selector awards, which gave an opportunity to celebrate leading ESG funds, driving new standards and delivering alpha across a variety of categories. We interviewed each of the winners to find out what makes their funds stand out and how they’ve protected investments against recent market volatility. You can see这里的赢家和跑步者的完整列表.

Following PineBridge Asia ex Japan Small Cap Equity Fund's win in the Single Region ESG Equities category, we spoke to the people behind the scenes,伊丽莎白很快, PineBridge Investments,了解有关他们提供的服务和产品的更多信息。

Tell us, what makes your fund stand out compared with your peers?

我们为我们的时间测试,自下而上的投资过程感到自豪,这是风格无关的无疑和基准。这使我们能够通过亚洲小型宇宙宇宙中的部门和市场的研究自由度专注于彻底公司,以确定被忽视的机会。我们寻求具有无可争议的竞争优势,优秀管理的公司,可享受未来现金流量的折扣。这一纪律的框架在亚洲前日本亚洲大约17,000家小帽公司的宇宙中有40-70家公司,这是一个高活跃的股份投资组合(> 90%)。

We believe our approach has driven our alpha performance over time. The fund has outperformed the benchmark as well as average peer returns in one year, three years, five years and 10 years.[1]


In-depth due diligence and careful stock selection are key to risk management as much as they are at the core of our investment process. As mentioned earlier, we focus on companies that have strong business models with the ability to gain share and compound capital well across market cycles. When an unexpected crisis strikes, like the pandemic, such companies are more likely to survive the shock and even strengthen their positions in their respective industries during the crisis and over the long run. Our approach remains unchanged in this crisis and this has helped our portfolio weather volatility.

What is the biggest myth in investing in Asian small caps?

Two of the most common misconceptions about the Asian small cap market are that it is a shallow opportunity set and that Asian small caps are more expensive than other small cap markets globally.

  • Size of the opportunity set:小型CAP公司占亚太地区所有上市公司的96%。市场遭受了研究,使其成为潜在定价错误的机会
  • Value: Asian small caps have consistently offered better value (lower PE) than European and US small caps in recent years if you compare the MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Small Cap Index vs. MSCI USA Small Cap Index and MSCI Europe Small Cap Index.[2]


[1] Source: PineBridge, Morningstar as of 30 June 2020.





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