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Pharma Marketing Digital Trends to Watch in 2019

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From projects with the introduction of artificial intelligence to machine learning, from voice search to telemedicine, from chatbots to multichannel promotion - this is not a complete list of achievements in the field of digital pharm in recent years. Time to move on! As 2018 left with its victories and defeats, new technology trends are entering the market, which has yet to be learned to use. Let us take a closer look at some of the future directions that pharm market makers need to arm themselves for in full readiness for the next year.

Portable format

当所有人都积极讨论blockchain and its impact on business processes in the pharmaceutical industry, its revolution has passed imperceptibly in pharma marketing, namely, the widespread use of mobile devices. Yes, perhaps this is not as impressive as, say, conducting diagnostics using artificial intelligence or operating a patient using virtual reality technology. However, how do you rate that today 80% of patients use mobile every day to search for information? Besides, did the fact that a doctor can at any time in a couple of clicks on the phone find almost any data from clinical studies, calculate the dose of the drug's destination on a calculator or use the application, passed by the discussion of large technological trends in 2018? Did it not affect the communication of pharm and doctors, as well as pharm and patients?

A particular focus on mobile technology is the first and most visible digital achievement of pharm in the last couple of years. It is not surprising since Internet-competent doctors are no longer just a separate group of young interested specialists; almost all doctors visit the Internet at least once a day on work issues. Is this the window of opportunity? The portable format is endless possibilities for viewing short video training content, communicating via social networking messengers and individual applications for doctors. What about the fact that people open 70% of all emails on their smartphones? Sounds promising, does not it? Therefore, it is also essential for the creators of pharm content to think about adapting their communication channels to a mobile device — no one likes to go to the landing page with “floating” tagging. By the way, one can view the operation mentioned above almost in real time on any mobile devices. It is another proof that in 2019, apparently, all pharm marketing roads lead to the smartphone screen.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in the pharmaceutical industry is more known for its success in the diagnosis and invention of drugs. One can only imagine how AI and machine learning can help in marketing aspects. Here are just some of the examples of possible cooperation between AI and pharma marketing specialists:



3. Sharing best practices. Assessing the effectiveness of each user, AI allows you to determine what works best to attract the potential audience of doctors and provide recommendations on real-time content to other users. In other words, what about a sales assistant for a medical representative who can quickly analyze the material used by his colleagues at work? Teamwork through AI!

4. Increase sales. By examining the data obtained, over time, the AI will be able to manage the entire sales cycle, offering from this information the best next steps and actions.


Big data and chatbots

Yes, not everyone is ready to talk frankly with artificial intelligence, but do not worry. About 70% of online users claim that they like to chat with a chatbot, and another 9% reported having such communication experience. The main directions of the development of chatbots and the big data technology supporting them are the improvement of artificial intelligence and the humanization of virtual assistants, which improve interaction between companies and from the audience. Chatbot provides direct communication with the client 24/7, which is a good base for good user experience. Therefore, it is not surprising that according to the bold forecasts of Gartner analysts, by 2020 85% of customers will interact through a chatbot.

As of 2018, chatbots have already brought their effectiveness inside the pharmaceutical companies - most often, they act as such reference. To expand the capabilities of this reference, you need more data and links between them. Pharm is a bit cautious with chatbots outside - however, as with all digital initiatives, but Google Trends suggests that interest in this request began to manifest itself only in 2016. It is not yet a settled trend, but its popularity is continuously growing, which means that it is possible to predict further positive dynamics.


Today we have the opportunity to not only get in touch with friends and relatives but also even to talk with the doctor via video call. Telemedicine as a way of communication between the patient and the doctor has not quite become a part of usage yet, but the interaction between the doctor and the medical representative has long passed into this plane. It is convenient for both sides of communication - while the doctor has less and less time for a personal visit with the medical representative, the pharmaceutical representative, in turn, cannot sit at the door of the doctor’s office all day, waiting for an opportunity.

参观2分钟(即,平均而言,它持续)很难提供有关该药物的足够信息。因此,部分在本阶段,访问部分是“迁移”到虚拟空间,以便在off-of off-way期间进行,只是当它方便的医生时。过去2-3岁的经验表明,这种访问被认为更有利:持续时间增加(至少至7.5-15分钟);销售额增加了。调查,主要由IQVIA在引进新实践期间进行,表明91%的医生对后续会议表示兴趣。这不是证明未来已经在这里吗?

Multichannel personal content

One thing, which is genuinely a "seasoned" trend, is a multichannel promotion; a concept that has not been marketed by marketing specialists for about four years now - and this is quite a long time by the standards of the trend. The secret of such consistency lies in the fact that as data accumulates, we discover all the new ways of multichannel promotion, which stand on the consumer side. Hence, 2018 finally confirmed the conjecture that traditional advertising methods are outdated. It is not that the ads did not work, but rather they lost their positions because it brings some fatigue. Surely, you also have a Facebook ribbon replete with questions like “how effective are the funds you invested in advertising?” The struggle for the attention of the consumer is coming from the answer to this question. A jaded consumer no longer distinguishes between products from different companies - even if there are significant differences between them.

The tactics of multi-channel content have replaced the main marketing tools. The content philosophy is that if you have a good product, you need to promote it so that the client goes to you, and not advertising slogans to drag you. However, for this content to be useful, you need to submit it at the right time, in the proper format and through the correct channel. It is the meaning of multi-channel promotion: through a webinar, in a personalized message, in a presentation script, tailored specifically for this doctor. All the content remains useful and exciting.

One can guess that the content is also gradually sorting through some of the functions that used to be sacred medical representatives: on-request webinars, chatbots already mentioned, one can order even probes on Amazon (Amazon Ping button). Tectonic changes in this regard have already begun: 68% of doctors in the West already prefer an exclusively online mode of communication with the pharmacy for a straightforward reason - it is more convenient for them. The pharm has already begun to adapt to this - just in the form of multi-channel promotion. In addition to the technologies required for multichannel development and content creation for it, pharm also takes care of personnel who are interested in this concept. This year, the global offices of Pfizer, GSK, and Novartis took on professional positions as Chief Digital Officers, and this is a serious step by the pharmaceutical company, which has been preparing for this decision for four years.


About the Author:Melisa Marzett是一位出色的自由作家,现在是大量文章的作者,已发表在众多在线资源上。写一本书仍然是她的最终目标。与此同时,她继续写作,改善自己的内心。

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