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R&D innovations to combat common African pests - Dennis Ndolo, ICGEB


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Dennis Ndolo, Group Leader – Biopesticides, at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), South Africa, explains how biopesticides can be used to overcome trade barriers caused by the inability of countries to meet Maximum Residue Limit requirements of export markets. He outlines why the huge potential of biopesticides remains under-exploited and proffers suggestions of how some of the challenges facing the development of these pest control products can be addressed. He also gives a detailed account of the work that his team at ICGEB is doing to support the research, development, commercialisation and use of biopesticides.

Ndolo is speaking atBiocontrol Africa, being held on 28 - 30 September 2020 in Marrakesh, Morocco.Explore the agendaorbook a pass.

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