


It seems that when it comes to the future of stock investing traditional institutions like banks and stock brokers will soon be completely replaced by fintech start-ups that outdo each other in attracting young customers by offering them low-fee and easy-to-use investing opportunities in brands they know, love and trust, writes斯蒂芬妮布伦南,Evarvest的创始人兼首席执行官。

Are you a Millennial or Gen Z? Have you ever considered investing in stocks? If yes – congrats! You’re part of the growing majority. According to Morning Brews 2017 report, 89% of the 9,000+ people aged 18-35 they interviewed in the US, Canada and Europe invest. In the light of this it’s no surprise we’re seeing increased competition in the fintech space, with modern fintech start-ups springing up like mushrooms all over the world. This will certainly continue in the coming years.

Young people want to invest in stocks and many companies have noticed the high potential coming from providing them with attractive and accessible trading opportunities. Companies like American罗宾汉, British自由贸易,以色列eToro,澳大利亚股份,或我们立陶宛的投资平台evarvest.that we will be launching at the beginning of 2020 were all created and designed with a view to support young and mostly non-experienced investors. If you consider how many banks / stock brokers there are in the world, increased fintech competition is definitely a good sign that marks an important step towards popularising stock market investing among young people.




因此,一秒钟 - 让我们留下这一技术,看看三个更多的社会相关因素,主要是促进金融气初创企业越来越多的普遍投资解决方案的千禧一体和Z.

  • 消费主义和品牌迷恋- 与世界各地的一切都在于在线,更多地了解最成功的全球品牌。并了解他们的创始人和高管以及他们背后的故事,他们欣赏能够在他们相信和支持消费者的地位的品牌成功中发挥作用。此外,由于社会消费主义,在很多方面,竞争水平甚至是“投资者”。经济上成功是“酷”,对年轻世代的渴望越来越大 - 这是为什么鳄鱼这样的鳄鱼平台做得很好。
  • 银行金融不确定性与挥之不去的不信任- 近期跨越许多国家的危机发展增加了金融不确定性的水平。Bearing in mind that the majority of today’s Gen Z & Millennials, who now make up 63,5% of the global population, have lived through the 2008 recession, it means they were raised in conditions marked by financial anxiety and a lack of trust in traditional financial institutions like banks. The release of the inaugural Deloitte Trust Index for banking in October 2018 has solidified the sector’s diminished standing in the eyes of the general public, with just two in ten people believing the banks have customers’ best interests at heart. As a result, younger generations are realising the importance of investing, including investing in stock markets, as the only way to gain financial security and wealth. But at the same time they’re more eager to put their trust in modern fintech companies providing them with better user experiences and value than traditional institutions, and ultimately helping them to reach their financial objectives.
  • Cost awareness– last, but not least – both the greater accessibility and growing popularity of cross-border money flow (think TransferWise & Revolut) is translating into young people’s higher cost-consciousness. People don’t want their returns to be diluted by high fees imposed by banks or traditional stock brokers anymore. And thanks to the use of technology, start-ups are able to offer solutions that are much leaner than those offered by established institutions. In today’s world low-fee or commission-free really works for any investment platform because consumers’ ultimate decision maker among similar products will always be the cost.

最近,大型美国经纪公司已经意识到,为了竞争和满足他们需要改变的年轻世代的需求,宣布他们将费用减少到零。当一个行业价格上涨零时,经纪公司之间的竞争将不再是价格,而是价值 - 在长期以来需要改变的行业的正确方向迈出了大步!

有一件事是肯定的是,成长g popularity of fintech start-ups and the investment solutions they provide we’re experiencing a turning point in the investment ecosystem.

A few years ago if you wanted to invest you had to contact a stock broker or sign up to your bank and, most often, pay high brokerage fees. And today, you’re able to purchase the stocks you’re interested in, not only for a smaller price, but with just a few clicks on your phone. What Tesla has done for popularising electric cars, Fintech’s are doing for the finance industry. Finally, the time has come for making investing as simple as having a smartphone and a good Wi-Fi connection – the way it should be!






25 Feb - 30 Dec 2021