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Expert interviews: how have things changed for CFOs and COOs since COVID-19?

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The onset of the pandemic has brought rapid and immediate changes to the way many companies normally work. How did CFOs and COOs guide their teams through the process, and how do things look as we set our sights further ahead?

Hear from:

  • Steve Darrington, Partner & CFO at Phoenix Equity Partners
  • Klas Tikkanen, COO at Nordic Capital


Risk management in a pandemic

Steve Darrington, Partner & CFO at Phoenix Equity Partners, shared with us his insights into the operation processes put into place within organisations during the lockdown, the lessons learnt in the process, and why it is important for risk managers to avoid "rear-view mirror risk management".


How have CFOs/COOs been managing their portfolio companies through the pandemic?

We spoke to Klas Tikkanen, COO at Nordic Capital, about the steps CFOs and COOs in companies have taken to communicate as COVID-19 and the subsequent lockdown developed, and how relationships have changed throughout the process.


Interested in finding out more about SuperReturn CFO/COO?Head to our website now >>

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