


2020年7月16日,欧盟委员会执行副主席玛格丽特·维斯塔格宣布the launch of a sector inquiry into the Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) sector (the IoT Sector Inquiry). The EC defines the consumer IoT sector to include consumer products and services that are connected to a network and controlled remotely via mobile devices or voice assistants. These products or services include smart home appliances (e.g., smart TVs, fridges, and lighting systems), wearable devices, voice assistants and services (e.g., music/film streaming, food delivery, hotel booking, and healthcare).



The IoT Sector Inquiry follows several recent EC initiatives relating to digital markets, including consultations on数据,人工智能(AI),即将发布的数字服务法(DSA) and a proposed newex ante competition enforcement tool. 除了可能的个别执法行动外,物联网部门调查可能会影响欧盟的立法提案,并可能成为首次应用新的事前竞争工具的目标。


The EC’s Directorate-General for Competition (DG COMP) has the power to conduct sector inquiries where it believes that a market is not working as it should, especially due to potential breaches of the competition rules. DG COMP uses information from sector inquiries to better understand the relevant markets and to assess the need for individual investigations. DG COMP can request all necessary information, take oral statements and conduct unannounced visits (so-called “dawn raids”) of business premises.

Sector inquiries represent a significant investment, both for DG COMP itself and for the sector stakeholders required to provide information. In total, the EC has completed eight sector inquiries. DG COMP’s last sector inquiry, completed in May 2017, concerned the e-commerce sector. In that case, DG COMP requested information from nearly 1,900 companies and analysed around 8,000 contracts to identify potential barriers to cross-border online trade in goods and services. Sixty-six stakeholders commented on the preliminary report. In its final report, DG COMP promised to “target enforcement of the EU competition rules at the most widespread business practices that have emerged or evolved as a result of the growth of e-commerce” and “broaden the dialogue with national authorities to contribute to a consistent application of the EU competition rules.”Subsequently, the EC launchedthree investigations消费电子产品、电子游戏和酒店住宿行业的零售价格限制、基于位置的歧视和地理封锁。

欧共体目前正在就采用一种新的事前竞争工具的建议进行磋商,这将使欧共体有权采取补救措施,以提高市场竞争力,而无需证明任何个别公司违反了欧盟竞争规则。如果欧盟立法者确实采纳了此类立法,那么DG COMP在物联网行业调查之后可能会有其他选择,而不仅仅是开始单独的侵权调查。事实上,在物联网行业调查中收集的信息可以作为首次应用欧共体新补救权力的基础。


DG COMP has sent questionnaires to 400 companies targeting different categories of stakeholders, such as consumer IoT services providers and manufacturers of smart devices, voice assistants and wearables.


Although each questionnaire varies depending on the category of stakeholder, there are a number of consistent themes. Broadly speaking, DG COMP is seeking information on relationships and interdependencies between different parts of the consumer IoT ecosystem and potential bottlenecks impeding competition.

例如,DG COMP要求了解行业标准和标准制定机构在利益相关者市场中的作用。问卷调查的内容包括相关标准制定组织、此类组织的成员资格以及获取相关标准的条件(如许可证要求和条件)。



另一个值得关注的重要领域是数据的作用。DG COMP正在寻求有关利益相关者收集的数据的性质以及他们如何存储、处理和货币化数据的信息。另一个与数据有关的重点领域似乎是数据共享、可移植性和互操作性的条件。

To supplement the narrative responses to these questions, companies are required to provide copies of relevant contracts and other backup.

Conclusion: Implications and tie-ins to the EC legislative agenda

物联网行业调查是欧共体主席冯德莱恩(Von der Leyen)提出的“适应数字时代的欧洲”战略框架下的一系列重大欧共体举措之一。与之前的行业调查一样,物联网行业调查将需要为欧盟委员会以及行业利益相关者投入大量时间和资源,并可能导致2022年最终报告发布后的后续执法行动。




Jay Modrall,布鲁塞尔Norton Rose Fulbright LLP办公室主任
詹姆斯莫德拉尔是一个反垄断和竞争律师设在布鲁塞尔。他于2013年9月加入Norton Rose Fulbright LLP,担任合伙人,自1986年以来一直是美国一家大型律师事务所的常驻合伙人。他是一名美国合格的律师,在纽约、华盛顿特区和华盛顿特区都是律师协会的成员比利时。和27年的工作经验,他是欧盟和国际竞争工作的主要顾问,特别是审查和批准国际并购。莫德拉尔在欧盟金融监管改革方面也有丰富的经验,他就欧盟关于另类投资基金经理的新指令向全球领先的私人股本集团提供咨询,并就欧盟的衍生品监管、欧盟金融市场监管改革等欧盟举措向领先的银行和投资公司提供咨询以及建立一个新的欧盟危机管理框架等。




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