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CMA TV:Ben Bailey海员幸福指数

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Shipping has long been the life blood of the world economy.

但最近,唯一对致力于海上生命的人员所需的福利和支持,就会更加了解 - 海员。通过全球的牧师,职员和志愿者网络为150万男性和妇女提供帮助和支持。他们通过船舶访问,进入海员中心和一系列福利和紧急支持服务提供对海员提供的实用,情感和精神支持。

Earlier this month, we caught up with Ben Bailey, Director of Advocacy for the Mission to Seafarers, at CMA Shipping in Stamford, Connecticut. He explained the importance of the Mission's Seafarers Happiness Index, the value of the Index to the maritime industry, and briefly touched upon the sacrifices seafarers make on the job.


Read the interview below.

Roxy Kashfi.:前往海员的使命最近推出了海员幸福指数。你能告诉我们一些关于索引如何工作的信息吗?

Ben Bailey:海员幸福指数旨在成为海洋变革的晴雨表。

We poll seafarers throughout their time at sea on a range of topics with 10 anonymous questions. We ask them about their living conditions on board, about their wages, and ask them about their access to shore leave.



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"We have to take these factors into account so that we're supporting them in the most appropriate way."

If the industry is to ensure that it retains and recruits good, professional seafarers, then we have to consider them in the whole. It is not just about the qualifications that they have, but also about their soft skills and the kind of people they are. We have to take these factors into account so that we're supporting them in the most appropriate way.



We have internet access in many ports around the world, but we also provide post-trauma counselling and support to seafarer’s families. Whatever issues crews might face working abroad, they know that they have a trusted, independent, and charitable provider, who can support them in their time of need.

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