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Cell and Gene Therapies: Viral and Non-Viral Vector Manufacturing - WHITEPAPER


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In 2018 there were a total of 906 regenerative medicine companies in operation globally, operating over 1000 active clinical trials, 70% of which deployed vectors in the products under investigation. In 2018 two FDA approved CAR-T cancer cell therapy products that utilize lentivectors in their manufacture achieved expanded market approval, and one gene therapy based on an AAV vector achieved a first market approval in the US, leading to increased demand for the manufacturing of these vectors.

This whitepaper explores:

  • Vector manufacturing capacity crunch

  • Challenges and progress in viral vector bioprocessing

  • A role for automation and machine learning

  • The future of lentiviral vectors

  • Promising emerging non-viral approaches

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ABOUT THE AUTHOR: David Orchard-Webb, PhD, is a freelance consultant and medical/biotech writer.

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