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Welcome. It's great to see you again!

I almost started this note off by saying “nice to meet you”… but chances are, we’ve already met. Why? Because for over 20 years, we’ve been fortunate enough to serve the unmet needs of tens of thousands of MR and Insights leaders through industry leading conferences like TMRE: The Market Research Event.

And while we are part of global conference powerhouse (Informa), our group always acts with a startup mentality: quick to act on fast-developing trends and spin-out new creative event offerings. We are constantly dreaming up ways to exceed the expectations of our sophisticated Fortune 1000 audience.

Whenever people ask me what I do, I never say I’m in the conference business. I say I’m in the connections business. It’s my job and the job of my team to create connections to people, connections to great content, and connections to career or life changing experiences. In those connections is where the real magic happens.

We missed that magic in 2020. We missed meeting our customers, colleagues and friends at our live events. We knew the industry was relying us to continue to connect them to what they need, in the time they needed it most.

And that’s why we’re so proud to launch All Things Insights. Finally, a home for diverse points of view to converge in a safe space among peers. We look forward to getting to know you.

-Kelly Schram

Head of Product

Informa Connect