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史马朗戈尼was founded in 1935 in Milano as ‘Istituto Artistico dell’Abbigliamento Marangoni’ and in 2015 it reaches a special milestone, 80 years of history and success in training the top professionals of Fashion and Design. Istituto Marangoni can praise itself for the education of four generations of students from 5 continents and for having launched over 45,000 professionals in fashion and luxury fields, such as Domenico Dolce, Franco Moschino, Alessandro Sartori, Maurizio Pecoraro, Paula Cademartori, Andrea Pompilio and Lucio Vanotti.. It currently educates more than 4,000 students per year from 107 countries at its schools, located in Milano (the School of Fashion and the School of Design), Firenze (School of Fashion & Art), Paris, London, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Mumbai and Miami., the international capitals of fashion, design and luxury. Visit istitutomarangoni.com