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Sandeep Chichbankar
Director - Business Development & New Technologies at Excel Engineers & Consultants


Sandeep Narayan Chichbankar is basically a Chemical Engineer & MBA with around 20 years of experience in Distillery and BioFuel Projects Conceptualization, Estimation, Process Design and Execution. He possesses vast experience in various Chemical industries, specifically in the field of Potable Alcohol and Bio-Fuels.

He started his career in Petro-Chemicals and Specialty Chemical Industry, gave him the necessary experience & expertise required for designing, commissioning, troubleshooting and operation at various chemical and process plants. The Bio-Fuel Industry offered the right platform for his talent and Sandeep is now contributing to Ethanol Industry as a Director at Excel Engineers & Consultant, INDIA - a leading Distillery and BioFuel EPC Company.