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在TMRE数字周刊中,燃料循环的首席收入官Calista Corley概述了五个领域,洞察力的领导者现在应该开始锐化他们的技能和能力,因此他们可以有效地调整和回应下一步迈出的东西。


Predictive decision-making hinges on having the ability to detect both upcoming opportunities and potential threats to business success. Market researcher experts are highly skilled at knowing the right questions to ask and the right techniques to use for generating timely, direction-setting insights. But their jobs become a lot harder when the answers they’re seeking aren’t knowable yet.


“[我们的社区]成员经常考虑作为品牌和研究人员的事情,我们还尚未考虑,”Corley说。听他们所拥有的谈话 - 以及他们的贡献的内容 - 在她的平台上帮助了她的团队发现令人兴奋的新想法和机会。“当我们有能力潜入并以真正有机,真实的方式倾听它们时,我们可以找到那些信息的块,我们可以通过我们的其他量化和定性方法进行跟进。”

2. Challenging current thinking and assumptions

当您通过遗留知识和现有假设过滤您的决策标准时,对您的业务调整到新兴标准时也很难使您的业务调整到新兴标准。由于Albert Einstein经常被认为是说,我们无法使用我们在创建它们时使用的同样的思维来解决问题。“对我来说,这真的是战略领导的本质:询问,我们怎样才能以不同的方式思考并快速行动,以便我们的策略可以发展,”Corley说。

Corley feels this is where the right technology can really make an impact on your outcomes: “Visualization technology allows you to dive into the data and challenge your executive team’s thinking through storytelling. Show them the person, show them their face. Show them the data in a way that is really going to make them understand why their strategy may need to evolve to stay successful,” she said.

3. Using sound methodologies to interpret and analyze complex data

Though the insights industry has come pretty far along in its use of quantitative research, Corley says she often hears that properly analyzing qualitative research remains a challenge.

This is no doubt compounded by the ever-increasing complexity of the data landscape, in general; and clearly, the ability to test data-driven hypotheses is an important factor here. But given how powerful and versatile the results from qualitative analysis can be, Corley encourages strategic leaders to explore the latest methodologies that make this type of data easier to work with. “There’s great automation technology today for reporting qualitative insights. You can do sentiment analysis, you can dive into keywords… it makes your ability to analyze very seamless,” she says.

Yet, Corley also suggests that a huge part of evolving your strategic vision hinges on how successfully you can democratize the data behind your decision-making – i.e., how skillfully you enable other functions and team members to easily understand what stories the data is telling, so they can apply that information in their own area of focus.

“It makes me so happy when I hear one of our brand customers say, ‘Our CMO is tapping in to check out that data that you guys conducted last week.’ That's democratizing data – people being able to interpret through meaningful data without having to wait weeks, or feel like they need a Ph.D., to get a clear understanding,” said Corley.


Insights leaders need to be confident that their methodologies are sound, so they can challenge assumptions through data, show the story, and help others in their organization understand the “why” behind their recommended course of action. But they’re also challenged to provide that required rigor at warp speed, so their strategies can evolve at pace with what’s happening in the broader marketplace.


“A lot of people may not realize there’s very good technology out there that allows you to break down qualitative data,” she said. “Some of the incredibly complex methodologies will, yes absolutely, still need a [hands-on] researcher involved. [But having] the ability to actually tap into them in a more streamlined and automated way means that you have [more options] when time is short.”





For more ideas on how to leverage consumer insights to stay on top of the emerging trends and marketplace disruptions on the horizon, register to join the All Things Insights exclusive meet-up on April 21:tConnects: Brand, Insights & Innovation

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