Texas’ Energy Crisis Is Our Crisis, Too



As both the largest energy producer and energy consumer in the country, the state of Texas has a massive supply and demand market to meet. Consequently, the February 2021 snowstorm precipitated significant consequences, quite literally placing a freeze on Texas’ power grid. Such events highlight the ever-growing importance of elevating the government’s regulatory role in disaster mitigation and in planning and enforcement of our infrastructure for climate resiliency.



The network is mostly operated by a nonprofit corporation, ERCOT (Electric Reliability Council of Texas), which answers to the state. In contrast, other states are subject to the regulations of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).






Once we reduce energy loads, we can look towards optimizing our energy production from rich, renewable sources, like those available in Texas. “Solar plus battery energy systems in distributed networks are technologically superior to the existing centralized system from a grid reliability standpoint. Addressing climate change and overall pollution are probably reasons enough to accelerate the switch,” says David Schieren, CEO of EmPower Solar, which engineers, installs, and services solar & battery systems for thousands of commercial and residential projects in New York. “Solar plus battery systems, especially in a distributed generation configuration, enhance reliability for a number of reasons, including that these systems can either operate in parallel with the grid or isolate and continue to power buildings and homes if the broader grid is shut down,” says Schieren.



但是,为了最大化在紧急情况期间的这些努力,必须首先有效实施可再生能源技术。ELIZA Hotchkiss,全国可再生能源实验室的高级康动力分析师表示,技术需要旨在在紧急情况下运营和提供电力。她引用了四种对这项工作至关重要的设计因素:

  1. 他们需要设计用于承受破坏性的条件,如高风
  2. 他们需要提供一个能量存储系统
  3. 他们需要从网格中岛屿的能力
  4. 它们必须设计为临界负荷。


此外,我们可以使用德克萨斯州的事件来了解地理特定的气候风险 - 以及每个姿势的特定漏洞 - 妥善网站和设计可再生能源系统。例如,这些系统可以被配置为减少导致停电的区域环境的峰值负载。根据Schieren的说法,许多Empower的Solar Plus电池项目现在预先编程,以在夏季平日的第300点至晚上7点的夏季峰值小时内注入能量,这为网格提供了益处,并在那些时间内提供增强的补偿。“这种配置还允许逐渐淘汰脏峰植物,”Schieren说。

积极耐候设备,以防止极端气候条件下的公用事业服务中断也是保护我们公用事业设施和基础设施的长期可行性的关键 - 这些东西将助攻德克萨斯州的巨大,而不仅仅是在最近的危机中。

The 2011 Southwest Cold Weather event这导致产生大量发电(包括在ERCOT下的发电),由于冷冻设备由于发电机故障也加剧了。NREL解释说,今年德克萨斯州的大多数中断以及2011年的大部分中断都是由于天然气单位失败。

包括额外的绝缘,风断裂,以及供暖分配系统的措施在这种情况下是有用的策略。Thomas Abdallah, Chief Environmental Engineer at MTA Construction and Development in New York City, the agency that manages one of the largest transit systems in the world, points out that New York City’s transit infrastructure has added resilience for addressing all four of NYC’s variable weather patterns.




为了真正执行所有这些措施,各国政府必须在城市规划中推进气候弹性标准 - 以及通过立法采用,建设级别设计,建设和运作。


The issue with many of these climate action plans is that they remain a series of recommendations, not requirements. While they provide pathways for energy efficiency and emergency preparedness, they can only serve as guidelines. New York City’s comprehensiveClimate Resiliency Design Guidelines标准概述了项目规划和开发策略,使用前瞻性气候数据来保护该市目前对其使用寿命的投资。


A peer review of climate resiliency plans of cities like New York may be the first step in creating a national standard that can then be molded to fit the needs of specific jurisdictions.


在我自己的工作中,我已经看到了地方政府参与的其他机会 - 例如,通过概述的战略到建设守则和分区标准中。这是一个设计师,建筑师和其他可持续发展行业专业人士的领域有机会与相关的市政当局合作到他们的互利。



MOS’s spokesperson also identifies overlaps with government engagement in renewable energy technology implementation. Expediting permitting and zoning procedures, providing technical resources and guidance for building owners, offering financial assistance (including grants and tax incentives), and working directly with the locale’s power regulators to advocate for renewable energy sources are all ways in which city government powers can be exercised. Creating an alliance between architects and engineers, in partnership with state and federal authorities, would facilitate the enforcement of mandates while also helping to accelerate progress on sustainable building initiatives.

The National Commission on Grid Resilience is a working group that has generated recommendations to further advance the government’s role. Its2020年报告包括政策建议和技术解决方案,以聘请政府和私营部门共同确保国家电网的恢复力。

Those recommendations include:

  • 研究新型可再生能源技术,包括离岸传输(风,波/潮汐能)作为备用电源
  • Collecting annual reporting data from utilities on their resilience investments in the power grid
  • 激励网格恢复力的投资
  • 在全国各地的战略位置开发微网,以提供关键的本地化负荷,并增强分布式和可再生能源的整合
  • 识别风险易受攻击的网站,探索新的和升级的散装电力传输(国家基础设施)的选址。

各种建议需要联邦政府参与,州政府共识和私营部门驱动的研究和生产技术支持的组合。正如David Schieren解释的那样,“实用电网从未设置为Bi-或全向电源流量。虽然令人生畏,但解决了这个问题的各种技术和商业模式解决方案。这将部分需要资本支出来升级变电站和馈线电路以提高托管能力。但它还涉及动态速率信号和动力打开并在某些时候打开并关闭太阳能加电池系统以创建动态和交互式网格网络。“



The current federal administration has set an ambitious target for decarbonizing the grid by 2035. Meeting these sustainability goals in the long-term will also better-equip regions to handle any short-term climate-related emergencies. Texas’ power crisis indicates that we will need a fusion of solutions – and collaborative investment in implementing them. We can contribute to emissions reduction by advocating for stringent building efficiency regulations and ramping up our clean energy production while designing our infrastructure to optimize climate resiliency. All of these goals will require the public and private sectors to act on a mapped blueprint and channel their energy towards a more resilient future.


faraharchitect@gmail.com.Farah Naz Ahmad, RA, LEED AP BD+C is an Eco-Architect with a passion for the advancement of the green building industry, specializing in building energy efficiency and green building standards. Her public sector experience in city government agencies has spanned across sustainable design, building energy codes, and sustainability technical standards development. Farah is passionate about sharing her expertise on green building + the climate change movement via green building journalism and social media. You can tweet her (@farah_arch) or connect with her on Instagram (@renewablefarah). For more on Farah's work,拜访她的网站




20 - 23月2021年9月23日,San Diego, CA