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Marcus Quinlan
Radiation Safety Officer, at Radioactive Materials Unit, Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy


Marcus Quinlan is a Senior Health Physicist and the Radiation Safety Officer for the Radiological Protection Section in Michigan’s Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy. Along with his RSO duties overseeing Michigan’s Radiological Emergency Response program, orphan source program, environmental laboratory, and calibration laboratory, he acts as a primary technical resource for development of TENORM rules and guidelines. Mr. Quinlan is also responsible for the review of cleanup plans for sites contaminated with TENORM, the inspection of registered TENORM contractors, and Michigan’s annual low-level radioactive waste report. Mr. Quinlan holds a B.S. in Nuclear Engineering & Radiological Sciences from the University of Michigan.

Agenda Sessions

  • Michigan: Assessing safe disposal options for NORM and TENORM

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