



部分地,这种转变被行业的数字化促进,包括最近强迫转向大流行引起的数字营销。在2020年的前九个月内,对医生和医院的数字营销是由111% year over year。投资更多营销花费的举措可能被证明是永久性的,因为制药营销人员经历了数字营销以有效的全文介绍的重要作用。

在制药营销中,一个全米通道方法包括一种跨通道策略,可以无缝集成内容 - 在线和离线 - 在买方的旅程中提供多个接触点的一致性。随着HCP与多个频道,平台和设备接合,Omnichannel Marketing提供了一种协调的方式来达到目标​​的受众。这种方法在制药营销中尤为重要,医生往往是短暂的时间,并且在患者迅速做出治疗决策的压力下。

因此,每一个品牌或一种运动的良好时机tfolio has to message an HCP, it had better be timely and relevant versus a static approach. Dynamic messaging protects against information fatigue so your brand stands out and most importantly, gives HCPs valuable insights to make the most informed decision for their patient.

Leveraging an integrated approach is just a first step in realizing the benefits of an omnichannel strategy. For brands to experience the full range of benefits, they must have timely insights that readily fuel each campaign. With a coordinated approach – and armed with the right data – brands can create targeted omnichannel campaigns that yield higher conversion rates and are more cost effective.

Key to success: timing of seamless, data-driven marketing campaigns

对于Omnichannel Marketing成功,该方法也必须是数据驱动,战略和以客户为中心的。通过访问从协调实验室数据生成的见解,可以获得近实时洞察力,以确定提供商在提供给定条件的情况下测试和治疗患者。基于对哮喘(嗜酸性粒细胞的特定测试的时序和结果,非小肺癌(抗PDL1),心脏病(LDL胆固醇水平)和无数其他特定测试的广告,允许制药品牌进行通信更相关和HCPS以改善患者的患者,以更具针对性的疾病治疗。此外,由于许多疗法是第二行,因此必须向HCP通知可能最好用给定品牌对待的疾病 - 迈向更个性化医学的重要一步。

Using a central insight engine, marketers can rapidly inform a uniform brand approach that engages multiple profiles including direct sales, marketing agencies, and more. The insights and functionality make it possible to align creative and messaging across channels, synchronize offline and online efforts to improve marketing efficacy for all channels, and ensure patients get the right treatment faster.


Historically marketers used static lists based on specialties to market to HCPs leading to a proliferation of non-targeted communications that fail to address the immediate needs of the HCPs or their patients.

Harmonized lab data that integrates seamlessly with common industry marketing platforms creates aggregated HCP-level reports with triggers that can be pushed to a company’s optimal marketing channels with prioritized outreach based on the timing of treatment decisions.

例如,如果公司正在营销品牌X,该公司将征用非小细胞肺癌,该公司将识别与其每个渠道的诊断相匹配的关键患者谱。虽然它们可以根据众多因素选择患者配置文件,但所有患者数据都被证明并符合HIPAA。然后,该系统将不断地识别和推送与品牌的CRM系统相关的相关记录,以指导现场销售团队以获得外展的最佳时间。同时,该平台将使用Set Compiles触发数字广告的Cadence,以便在线提供相关和及时的消息的那些相同的HCP。Brand X然后使用见解来对准频道的消息传递,并且能够识别它们的目标HCP何时参与,提供额外的商业智能,以通知所有促销渠道并提供增强的相关性。



Empowered with these insights, brands gain rapid real-world insights that provide unparalleled relevance to marketing efforts. This results in more efficient allocation of marketing spend that gets the right message to the right audience at the right time and produces higher conversion rates. For more about the power of RWE and clinical data informing best practices in marketing watch our网络研讨会





15 - 17年11月2021纳什维尔,TN.