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Senior Lecturer at University of East Anglia


Dr Sabine Jacques is a Senior Lecturer in IP/IT/Media Law at the University of East Anglia. Previously, Sabine achieved a PhD in copyright law at the University of Nottingham where she studied: ‘The Right to Parody? A comparative analysis’. In this research, she has a specific focus on the music industry as she was partially funded by MPA (Music Publishers Association), BASCA (British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors, now called The Ivors Academy for Music Creators) and PRS for Music (Performing Right Society). Before moving to the UK, Sabine obtained her bachelor and master degrees in law at the University of Liège, Belgium. She later graduated cum laude from an LLM in Intellectual Property law and Knowledge Management at Maastricht University, the Netherlands.

Sabine’s research has given rise to publications in the field leading peer-reviewed journals, like the European Intellectual Property Review and the Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice. Additionally, she was awarded the Dean Moore Prize as recognition of her qualities as a researcher and was granted the Golding Essay Prize 2015 by the Competition Law Association. Furthermore, her monograph 'The Parody Exception in Copyright Law' was published by Oxford University Press in March 2019.

More recently, she became an editor of the International Journal of Public Law and Policy (IJPLAP) and conducted two funded research projects on the impact of algorithms as automated anti-piracy systems on cultural diversity and levelling the playing field in digital media advertising respectively.

Sabine has experience in teaching Intellectual Property Law, Industrial Property Law and Contract Law. Her teaching reputation has also been acknowledged by the European Intellectual Property Teachers' Network as she was awarded the best presentation prize 2017.

Agenda Sessions

  • Meme Culture? Parodies, Parody Exception Laws & Article 17
