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Guido. van tartwijk.


Guido Van Tartwijk于2018年11月被任命为Heliatek的首席执行官,该使命将Heliatek从其长期的R&D阶段带进商业运营。在加入Heliatek之前,他是LED照明电子领域领域奥地利的Tridonic的首席执行官,(IOT)控制。

Prior to that he was with Philips Lighting for 12 years, 10 years of which he spent in Shanghai (China) where he built the Philips’ LED Lamps business from scratch to global market leadership, winning the US DOE ‘L-Prize’ for the first commercially available true replacement bulb, and launching the Philips ‘Hue’ LED range.

在此之前,他在加利福尼亚州和荷兰在创新硬件领域进行了各种角色,以非常高的比特率在互联网上运营互联网。他在阿姆斯特丹Vrije Universtite的博士学位获得了博士学位和博士学位,以及埃因霍温技术大学。