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Jeremy Rogers
Chief Investment Officer at Big Society Capital


Jeremy has over 20 years of experience in the charitable and investment sectors. He has had voluntary or non-exec roles at eleven charities or social enterprises including the Princes Trust, Ashoka, Big Issue Invest, Jubilee Debt Campaign and Pilotlight. Jeremy started his investment career as a pit trader on the LIFFE floor for SG Warburg. Jeremy later set up and ran JP Morgan’s European High Yield Trading group, growing it to be the market leader and becoming JP Morgan’s youngest Managing Director. He then became a Partner at Praxient Capital, a multi-asset investment fund.

In addition to his roles on Big Society Capital’s Investment Committee and Executive Committee, Jeremy sits on Big Issue Invest’s Investment Committee (since 2009), Access, the Foundation for Social Investment's Joint Investment Committee and the Lankelly Chase Investment Committee. He is also a governor for his local primary school.