该网站是Informa Plc informa Connect部门的一部分

该网站由Informa Plc拥有的业务或企业运营,所有版权所有于它们。Informa Plc的注册办事处是伦敦SW1P 1WG伦敦豪克斯的录入办公室。在英格兰和威尔士注册。数字3099067。



专业地写入数字IGCSE / GCSE内容为27个科目加上接地评估和分析,专注于课堂,独立的学习和修订。

GCSepod有一个10年的发展和致力于杰出的客户支持。more than 1,500 subscribing schools in 35 countries trust GCSEPod to get the balance right between ‘ed’ and ‘tech’, using automated knowledge gap identification to help teachers re-focus their time and energy on informed teaching with each student, as well as replacing routine tasks and reducing overall workload. It’s why some of the biggest international school groups use GCSEPod and 95% subscribers renew.