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But there’s always more that can (and must) be achieved – and one of the best ways to amplify the impact of your efforts is to advocate for increased climate literacy – in business, in education, among others in your communities, and on a global scale.

事实上,赞助组织Earthdaysday.org在其上列出了这个问题前五名环境故事要留意今年,断言“创造一个climate literate citizenry拥有创造就业机会的关键,建立绿色消费者市场,并允许公民以有意义的方式与各国政府与恢复我们的地球进行。“此外,根据2020PNAS的研究报告科学家认为气候教育将气候教育指定为稳定地球气候所需的六种社会转型之一。



According to NOAA’sClimate.gov,气候素养有七项基本原则。他们与知情气候决策的主要指导原则,他们为教授这些问题背后的科学提供了框架。

  1. 太阳是地球气候系统的主要能源来源
  2. Climate is regulated by complex interactions among components of the Earth system
  3. 地球上的生活取决于,塑造,并影响气候
  4. 气候范围内的空间和时间通过自然和人造过程而变化
  5. 我们对气候系统的理解通过观察,理论研究和建模改善了
  6. Human activities are impacting the climate system
  7. 气候变化将对地球系统和人类生活产生后果

For deeper explanations on each of these principles – and the NOAA’s recommended talking points to promote greater understanding, assessment, and engagement around them – you can download their气候识字指南

If you happen to play a direct role in education, you can also check out the气候识字和能源意识网络并挖掘他们丰富的免费资源集合。这些都适用于各级 - 从中​​学教育到高等教育 - 包括图形,视频,动手活动等工具,这些工具均旨在帮助将下一代科学标准(NGSS)付诸实践。

一个EarthDay.org的2021活动的重点is bringing the demand for climate education to the governments participating in November’s UN climate summit (COP26). The organization has developed a statement calling for climate education to be, “compulsory, assessed, and coupled with a strong civic engagement component.” Individuals can join the more than 350 organizations in more than 100 countries that have signed onto this statement by accessingthe petition here

Support the cause – IRL and online
If you’re looking for content-centric ways to advocate for a more climate-literate citizenry, why not check out EarthDay.org’s气候识字工具包? There, you’ll find helpful content starters – like op-ed and letter writing templates, news releases, and even key messages you can work into your business presentations and professional speaking engagements.

You can also support the organization’s climate education goals in more social-friendly ways by including its official hashtags in your relevant social media conversations, or by using its互动地图to find an Earth Day event happening near you.

Alternately, if sharing video is more your thing, take a look at thisYouTube Channel.那which features archived lecture videos from the University of British Columbia’s free course, Climate Literacy: Navigating Climate Change Conversations. The course covered both the scientific and socio-political dimensions of climate change and included talks on the basics of the climate system, its human and natural impacts, the evolution of climate policy, and more.

您也可以通过阅读由该课程产生的书来吸收其教训:Understanding Climate Change: Science, Policy, and Practice

一个额外的想法:4月21日,教育Internationalwill lead the “Teach for the Planet: Global Education Summit,” a multilingual online event focused on transformative climate education and the role of educators in the environmental movement. Register to attend atTeach4thePlanet.org

How will you help make every day an Earth Day?
无论您如何选择庆祝地球日,您在可持续性方面的工作都会进一步 - 如果您在建造的社区中的每个人都会进一步更快地进一步发展 - 并且 - 了解越来越多的气候素养的紧迫性。

有关更多方法,进一步进一步为您在这一领域的教育 - 以及与气候变化有关的其他可持续性优先事项 - 成为了一个成员格林伯利内幕社区。

Jodi Harris是Informa Connect的内容策略总监。在此职位之前,Jodi在娱乐,CPG,医疗保健,技术和生物技术行业以及机构和媒体品牌中花费了十年的发展中国家的内容计划,以及代理商和媒体品牌。在Twitter上跟随Jodi@Joderama.

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20 - 23月2021年9月23日圣地亚哥,加州