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3趋势Gen Z和千禧年消费者正在加油

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As the most digitally-connected generations, Gen Z and Millennials have been pioneers of change while growing up in the aftermath of world events like 9/11, The Great Recession, and most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic. They’re also the most diverse generations in history, and understanding their intersectional identities is key to authentically connecting with them. These generations are both vital to brands, with Millennials increasingly starting their own households (43% are currently parents according toypulse的研究) and Gen Z aging up and becoming the focus of more brands while bringing their unique perspectives to more industries.

YPulse is constantly surveying Gen Z and Millennial consumers, getting their take on everything from fashion and beauty, to sports, personal finance, influencers and celebrities, gaming and esports, shopping, and more. We also explore the big cultural shifts that these generations are fueling, and what they mean for brands. Below are three must-know trends YPulse research has dug into, helping brands, and research professionals, develop deeper insights on Gen Z and Millennial consumers.


Gen Z and Millennials are the most diverse generations in history—50%的Z Z和45%的千禧年是BIPOC(compared to 40% of Gen X and 28% of Baby Boomers). Diversity and inclusion are vital issues to young people, and racism and cultural appropriation are weighing on BIPOC young consumers—81% of whom agree that racism in America is getting worse. A company’s representation efforts—regardless of the industry they’re in—impacts Gen Z and Millennials’ purchase intent, and according to one young consumer surveyed inypulseRepresentation in Action trend research:“[反映多样性的品牌]庆祝各种社区,雇用并促进各种个人。该公司促进了一个拥抱和庆祝多样性的环境。“年轻的消费者也不害怕说出缺乏代表的品牌。事实上,他们很快调整营销,行动,领导决策等的公司不反映多样性和包容性。他们对多样性的定义不仅仅专注于种族和种族,而且还包括性别认同,性别,身体规模,额外需求等。

尽管如此,在年轻消费者的眼中更加包容,营销/沟通努力和招聘多元化的工作人员的前两步是年轻消费者认为公司应该采取更加包容和多样化的两步。代表性是确保BIPOC青年消费者感到听到和看到的途径,并且在理解Gen Z和千禧一代时,不再接受多样性,包容性和总体代表性的问题。

Insights专业人士意味着什么:对于研究人员来说,多样性和包容性也需要成为优先事项。写调查时,请记住all受访者的交叉标识(种族/种族,性别,性别,地点,原籍语言等)的各个方面,并考虑如何以更包容的方式询问人口统计问题。研究人员应该思考“我们要求这一点与年轻人一致实际上think about themselves?" Of course, inclusive hiring is a must and will help create research methods and uncover insights that are reflective of the diverse groups you need to reach.

Trend #2: Digitally-Connected Communities

虽然老一辈可以将Gen Z和千禧一代视为专注于数字空间的千年,但在线连接与Gen Z和千禧一代的亲自互动同样重要,而游戏和社交媒体则成为大流行期间这些雄囊的慰借来源。根据ypulseClicking on Community research,超过一半的Z和千禧一代一代说他们part of an online group—video games and shared hobbies are two popular topics the groups that they’re a part of are focused on—and Gen Z is more likely than Millennials to say that their hobbies are central to who they are. TikTok (trust us, this platform is full of insights) is one the biggest social media platforms Gen Z and Millennials are going to for connection across a variety of niche topics like cooking, books, thrifting, skincare, mental health—you name it. Lastly, fandoms built around video games, music artists, and TV series are powerful drivers of community too, giving brands a clear pathway for connecting with young people via fandom-led experiences and opportunities.

Insights专业人士意味着什么:社交媒体和公共在线组织是社会聆听的强大工具。想象一下,只需观察已经挂断的空间Gen Z和千禧一代已经挂断了,即I.Tiktok,Instagram,Twitter和Reddit,就可以发现什么洞察力专业人士和研究人员。


ypulseWhat’s Next For Work reportexplored the reality of post-COVID careers and found young workers are not settling for just any job. In fact, they’re not afraid to quit if they feel like their job is sacrificing their mental health, work-life balance, or ability to parent. “The Great Resignation” is真实的,而且随着人们到处都是重新评估他们想要的职业生涯的传统工作文化是彻底的,因为Z和千禧一代加剧了转变。

在这个新的时代,工作 - 家庭和混合作品是年轻员工正式的常态,在千禧年的工作中,由于有灵活的工作时间表,所以完成更多工作的能力,并拥有更集中的工作时间。事实上,一半的千禧一代表示,他们将削减薪酬,无限期地从家中工作。不仅仅是什么,Gen Z和千禧一代正在考虑他们目前的和未来的职位,并倡导混合作品仍然是前进的常态,同时辞职,这根本不值得倦怠和情绪能量。


加入Ypulse总统丹卡亚纳泰和首席内容官员Maryleigh BlisstMedia Insights & Engagement Conference11月15日至17日,他们将涵盖青年市场研究的主要话题和见解,帮助品牌了解占全球人口超过一半的几代人。

关于作者:玛迪Koetting is a youth insights writer at YPulse Inc., a leading youth market research firm covering everything brands need to know about Gen Z and Millennials. Connect with玛迪andYPulseon LinkedIn, and sign up for YPulse’sfree daily newsletterfor more insights on Gen Z and Millennials.

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